Fee Schedule Maintenance
What is a Fee Schedule?
A fee schedule is the complete list of Insurance Allowable fees for each dental procedure code, provided by a contracted insurance company. For some insurance carriers, these fees can vary by practice location or specialty.
Up-do-date Fee Schedules = Clean Claims = Faster Payments
Keeping fee schedules up to date in your practice management system (PMS) is essential for calculating accurate insurance and patient estimates. It’s also important for ensuring claims are clean so that they get paid accurately and avoid adjustments or write-offs after payments are received. Updates to fees vary from carrier to carrier. Most are updated annually.
"We have been a Medusind client since 2014 and remain thrilled with our partnership. Our three offices utilize their QuickVerify solution to obtain and populate all eligibility and benefits information directly into our PMS. Getting this done on time, every time is invaluable to maintaining the integrity of our revenue cycle and ensuring accurate treatment plans for our patients."
Dental Client