Medusind is offering eQA — a cloud-based and HIPAA compliant software platform designed to give anesthesia providers the ability to enter QA occurrences quickly and efficiently. The system allows users to transition away from paper quality forms and utilize an easier, more efficient and effective solution for anesthesia MIPS reporting. You will have additional freedom knowing you can access the system via a smartphone, tablet or PC without any impact on the flow of the operating room.
eQA meets all the standard anesthesia MIPS reporting guidelines and allows you to track data excluded from the medical record and external reporting. This intuitive platform makes MIPS/MACRA submissions easier than ever. eQA also allows for Joint Commission peer review and is capable of root cause analysis reporting. These benefits help create an efficient solution for any anesthesia group.
Each provider has access to the platform via their own login credentials. Once logged in, you will be able to see all the patient information that has been entered by the eQA Team the day prior to service. The user interface allows for easy navigation and filtering by name, DOB, MRN, or any other information associated with the patient. Additionally, eQA is designed to minimize keystrokes in order to decrease typing errors. The system also allows for customizable queries when determining statistics based on your patient base.
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